How do we get to the UKC venue (Hyatt Regency DFW) from DFW airport?  공항에서 호텔까지 어떻게 가나요?

You can walk or use the hotel shuttle. The Hyatt Regency will have a shuttle service from Terminal C to the hotel every 20 minutes. It would take around 5 min by foot from DFW Airport Terminal C. Please be aware that the walking path includes staircases and walking outside of temperature-controlled buildings. For the details of walking instructions, please see our Travel page.

What are the parking options and fees at the hotel? 운전시 호텔 주차 옵션과 비용은?

The Hyatt Regency provides complimentary parking for the UKC attendees. DFW Airport has a toll and that is also covered by Hyatt Regency. Please review this instruction before driving to the Hyatt Regency to avoid any toll or parking fee. For the details of parking, please refer to our Travel page.

Where will UKC be held? UKC 는 어디서 진행되나요?

UKC will be held at Hyatt Regency DFW International Airport which is near Terminal C. There are two Hyatt brand hotels at the DFW Airport: Hyatt Regency (Terminal C) and Grand Hyatt (Terminal D).  Please be aware of this and come to Hyatt Regency (Terminal C) to join us.

Is there a Korea town around the DFW area? 코리아 타운 어떻게 가나요?

Yes! There are two Koreatowns near DFW area (see attractions menu at UKC website for details), and we will have one-way shuttle from UKC venue to Carrollton (newer Koreatown) after networking dinner on Friday (8/4).  

Are there local attractions to check out ? 달라스 지역에서 꼭 가봐야 할 곳?

Yes! Dallas has attractions including golf courses, museums, rodeo, Koreatown and many more. Please find the full list from the UKC attraction page.  

How do we register for SEED? What is contact information? Are SEED participants required to attend UKC as well? SEED 등록 어떻게 하나요? 담당자 연락처 있나요? UKC 도 참석해야 하나요? 

SEED workshop is a career development workshop designed for graduate students, postdocs, early-career professionals, and junior faculty. SEED workshop has a separate website for schedule, speaker information, registration and more. Please visit the SEED website for details. 

We highly encourage SEED participants to attend UKC as well. SEED participants will receive benefits including financial support to attend UKC. For more information including financial support, please reach out to the SEED committee ( 

How do we register for FIRE? What is contact information? Are FIRE participants required to attend UKC as well? FIRE 등록 어떻게 하나요? 담당자 연락처 있나요? UKC 도 참석해야 하나요? 

Regarding the registration information, please visit the FIRE website. The application is due by May 15. For more information, please send any questions to FIRE Symposium is part of UKC, and thus attendees should attend other UKC sessions besides FIRE to get the most out of their experience.  

What are the benefits of early bird registration?

Early birds will receive discounts on registration fee. Please find more details from the UKC registration page. 

Are there job fair or on-site interview opportunities for attendees?  Job fair 나 현장 인터뷰가 있나요? 

Yes! Many institutions and companies participating in the exhibition are very interested in interacting with young professionals and researchers and recruiting. Some of them are also planning to have interviews during UKC. 

Can I print my poster at the hotel? 호텔에서 포스터 출력 가능한가요? 

Yes. Fedex is located at the hotel. However, please plan ahead since the FedEx office’s poster printing turnaround time is 24-48 hours.  

Can I ship my poster to the hotel?  호텔로 포스터를 우편으로 보낼 수 있나요?

I’m not sure how many meal tickets I should buy. Are there any other restaurants available near the hotel? UKC 등록시 식사티켓 구입 및 다른 옵션?

The hotel has several restaurant options ( However, other restaurant options are very limited around the hotel, compared to the previous UKC at Washington DC. 

Other questions? 다른 질문?

If you still have questions beyond this FAQ list, please contact