UKC2023 supports student/post-doc oral/poster presenters during the UKC2023 and FIRE participants who present during the FIRE Symposium. When you receive an acceptance email from the UKC2023 or FIRE teams, we will share the link to apply for financial support.

The financial support is for a limited number of participants; please submit your paper as soon as possible and receive financial support from UKC2023.

Financial support includes the following:

  1. Registration discount: $ 100
  2. Lodging support: up to 3 nights, share the hotel room (2 participants/room) or 50% of the room cost (If you wish not to share a room and use the room by yourself, please let us know; the KSEA will only support the half of the hotel room charge)
  3. Network dinner support.
  4. The travel reimbursement policy is as follows:
    • Up to $400 travel support based on your one-way Google map distance from your home address to the UKC venue (See the below table for details)
    • Reimbursement for driving a personal vehicle is calculated at $0.50 per mile one way up to the maximum amount indicated in the table above.
    • The reimbursement includes all travel costs (except for hotel lodging and meals), including airfare, baggage fees, parking, subway, shuttle, taxi, Uber/Lyft, rental car, toll, personal vehicle, etc. Other expenses, such as hotel tips, will NOT be reimbursed.

Financial support recipient requirements:

  • Be an oral or poster presenter. 
  • Be a paid KSEA member.
  • Attend all three plenary sessions (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday).
  • Any missed attendance and presentation may result in partial travel reimbursement.
  • If you receive travel reimbursement from any institution, you are not eligible for UKC travel support.