UKC Daily Highlights (Aug 2, Wed) – Welcome UKC 2023

We are excited to announce the opening of UKC 2023 today. All the participants are truly welcomed. We appreciate your dedication to make this event successful! Here are the highlights for today 8/2 WED. 

Welcome message from KSEA President Sohn


We hope that you timely find a shuttle ride to the Hyatt Regency DFW. 

At the registration desk, you need to go through a check-in process including picking up your name tag and t-shirt.  If you purchased meal coupons, bus tickets, and the program booklet, they are ready to be picked up at the desk. Please check out other UKC participant souvenirs.    

We are having the Sponsor Welcome Reception and Banquet (invitation only) at 5 pm, Enterprise 1-4.  Also, the UKC reception (for all participants) will follow at 8 pm, Innovation Ballroom. Use your red ticket to have one complimentary drink in your name tag, which can be used at UKC Reception (8 PM, Innovation Ballroom).    

There are also lots of events awaiting your participation and gifts including iPads and gift cards. Please tune in UKC Daily Highlights. Also, we encourage you to check out the local attractions in Dallas. 

Yongho Sohn, UKC 2023 Conference Chair
Tai-Sik Lee, KOFST President